Monday, April 13, 2009

#31 White Water Kayaking

Cat and I had our first bit of fun with white water kayaking. We had the option of doing rafting or kayaking and I hesitated as to what to choose. I had done sea kayaking in Cape Breton and really enjoyed the peacefulness of it; little did I know that this kind would involve rapids (I didn’t realize it was white water kayaking till we got there). Turned out it was the best option.

Cat and I were the only two kayakers amongst two groups of rafters. We had our own guide named Jack, who was Australian, and he gave us a small lesson before we set out. I was the driver, which was fine with me. Being the driver means you sit in the back and steer the ducky (inflatable kayak). It also uses a lot of upper body strength and turned into a great workout, which was really what I wanted. Because it was just the two of us in one kayak, we were able to go back up rapids and take them again. Jack thought we did a great job…but perhaps it is just his job to say that, however I will take that as a compliment.

As a kayaker you are so much closer to the water and it makes going through rapids that much more of a thrill. We were both really glad we did it and I think some of the rafters were actually jealous that they couldn’t get into it as much. I really hope to take up more kayaking in Vancouver.

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